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I have wanted to blog on the topic of “Christianity” for quite some time but I have been very hesitant. Why? I know that I could possibly be opening up a can of worms for negative feedback from Non-Christians and even Christians. I guess when you get down to it blogging isn’t about being right or wrong it is all about the perception, thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the one who is blogging.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about why people are hesitant to give their life to the Lord and why Christians turn away from “the church.” I don’t think it is because of God that people are hesitant or walk away but it is because of Christians. This is not a new revelation so I definitely won’t take the credit.

Ironically enough, I knew that I would be blogging on this topic and a book coincidentally (NOT) popped up during my visit at Lifeway Christian Bookstore. It is called, “I’m fine with God… It’s Christians I can’t stand” by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz. The book definitely caught my attention. I must say that I LOVE my brothers and sisters in Christ and this blog is not to slam anybody nor is it directed at anyone in particular. Again, I am going on my perception, thoughts, feelings and experiences before and after being a “Christian.”

In the book there was a study done with a Christian audience asking, “What one word best describes the reputations Christians have in our society?”

Responses: Judgmental, Hypocritical, Self-Righteous, Ignorant, Pushy, Dangerous, Irrelevant and Obnoxious.

“These Christian groups always agree that this unflattering reputation of their own constituency is deserved and accurate. They readily admit that their group is not being falsely accused. Apparently a lot of extremist Christians somewhere have been working very hard to earn their unflattering reputation. “

I have only read the first several pages but I am truly looking forward to reading the book.

I remember before I gave my life to the Lord I thought Christians were judgmental, hypocritical, self-righteous, ignorant, pushy, and obnoxious. I am pretty sure that I had a few more adjectives to describe Christians and Christianity. As a Christian, I have found some of those same descriptions to be true. Hence, I feel that Non-Christians and Christians reject God because of “Christians.”

As a Christian, I know that we are ALL in need of God’s grace and mercy. NONE of us are perfect. We can’t read our bibles or pray enough or do “works” to be perfect. Jesus is perfect. We are not. We’ve read bumper stickers that tell us that “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.” But Christians don’t need to announce to the world they aren’t perfect; this comes as no surprise to anyone. The fact is painfully obvious to every person who isn’t a Christian. But we’re not so sure it is obvious to the Christian themselves. Even if they are not part of the murderous, bigoted extremist, too many Christians tend to be hypercritical, self-righteous, judgmental and intolerant. In the marketplace of ideas, God deserves a FAIR SHOT. Whether people believe in Him or not ought to be their free choice. But God should NOT be handicapped with the baggage of harebrained followers who claim His name but do not accurately reflect His principles. LOVE!

I have experienced some of these ungodly reactions personally as a Christian. As a very passionate believer I have even found myself slowly shying away from other Christians. This does not mean I have entertained the thought of walking away from the Lord. He is my Everything! However, I have experienced on more than one occasion…wolves in sheep’s clothing and Christians full of pride and judgment. Am I being judgmental feeling this way? Again, I am not blogging to be right or wrong this is my perception and experiences.

I think anybody who truly knows me can say without a doubt that I love people. My passion is that people come to know my Savior, Healer, Prince of Peace…Jesus!!! I am still friends with loved ones that I knew before I was saved. Several, probably most, are not living a Godly lifestyle. Do I judge them? No. I feel that I truly live by the saying, “One can love the sinner but not the sin.” Hmm…are we not all sinners? I believe in that saying yet in some way it sounds like isolation as if Christians do not sin. Sadly, I think that Christians tend to isolate themselves from others with the idea that they are perfect. Yes, there is scripture that we are not to be unequally yoked and we are no longer of this world. I do know my Bible. At the same time…did Jesus isolate himself and only hang out with the Godly people? No. How many Christians that are judgmental, prideful and self-righteous are leading unbelievers to the Lord? I would say probably not many. I feel that we can be passionate (about Christ) yet compassionate (to the lost). I can honestly say that if I would have dropped all of my “non-believing” friends it would have caused more damage.

SIN-Is one sin GREATER than another? No. Sin is sin no matter how you look at it. The difference between an unbeliever and a believer is acknowledging the sin and repenting from it. For whatever reason, my past experiences with people who struggle with sin (drug addiction, pride, anger and lust) are judgmental of other sin. It absolutely blows my mind. Personally, I pray for the grace and mercy for my own short-comings instead of judging the sin of other people.

I have touched quite a bit about “Christians” but what about the judgmental, hypocritical and self-righteousness of the unbeliever? I guess it goes both ways. Is it okay to judge ALL Christians are the same? How about being hypocritical? Is it hypocritical to call upon the name of the Lord in time of need only to throw Him to the side when He is no longer needed? He is not a let-me-grant-you-three-wishes genie in a bottle or have you been a good boy/girl Santa Claus.” Better yet, is there so much self-righteousness where one feels that they don’t even need God?

With all of this being said, my prayer is that people embrace one another where they are in life. We are not one another’s Holy Spirit or Savior. All we should strive for as Christians is show people the love of Christ. We might not agree with a certain lifestyle, denomination, or lack thereof but we are called to LOVE. I would much rather love the sinner (not the sin) VS reject the sinner and turn that person away from knowing the love of God.

Being a Christian is not as easy as one might believe. We are always under a microscope. We are under a microscope with unbelievers and other Christians. At the same time, Christians are continually looking at the sin of unbelievers. Can we not all just focus working on ourselves, loving others where they are in life and letting God have His way in us to bring others to Him?